News for 2025/24
News for 2025/24
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Oct 16.2023. The Luton Airport Expansion to increase passengers from 18 million to 19 million pa has now been approved.
The Secretaries of State for Transport and for Levelling up, Housing and Communities have granted the called-in planning decision to permit Luton Airport 1 million more passengers and a bigger noise footprint The Inspectors who conducted the Inquiry in 2022 observed that local people had lost trust in the planning system, and there is now a condition that the Noise Management Plan is followed.
In addition, Luton Airport cannot expand beyond 18 million passengers until it produces:
* a strategy to reduce its long term noise footprint
* a Transport Plan
*a Carbon Reduction Strategy
The Government published a 177 page document detailing the Inspectors review with their decisions on why they gave approval.
Below are some highlights.
The Inspectors acknowledge there was strong opposition across all aspects of the proposal from the Hertfordshire Councils, from many Parish Councils and from individuals and organisations like LADACAN and The Harpenden Society, but did not appear to attach weight to it in the planning balance – they seemed over-reliant on just the evidence presented during the Inquiry.
Traffic issues appeared to carry little weight as no evidence was provided to prove the Airport’s assertion that 85% of passengers driving to the Airport would use the M1, yet the Inspectors decided to go along with that even though motorists coming from areas to the East would be more likely to avoid the M25 due to its likelihood of traffic jams and to shorten their journeys. Little consideration being given to the single approach road to the current Terminal.
The Inspectors agreed that the expansion of capacity would add to carbon emissions, but believed the government’s Jet Zero aspiration that aviation emissions (one of the hardest sectors to decarbonise) will be reduced – an aspiration without clear pathways and made less likely to succeed given Rishi Sunak’s relaxation of the drive towards net zero.
LADACAN and the Harpenden Society showed that the Airport’s forecasts of which planes would be in the Luton fleet in future years did not stand up to scrutiny, but the Inspectors felt they could not accept our findings because we had not spoken to the airlines – even though airlines are clear commercial beneficiaries of the application.
LADACAN showed that there were errors in the data feeding the Airport’s noise contour model, which would have affected the assessment, but the Inspectors felt unable to accept this because we did not have an alternative model – even though it’s impossible to set one up without full access to all the relevant data which the Airport keeps to itself.
You can read a more detailed report from LADACAN on their web site:
AND the Government decision report: 19mppa decision document
The Harpenden Trust is delighted to
announce the acquisition of the
Methodist Church Halls lease in
Southdown, Harpenden. The
Harpenden Trust has been in
talks with the Trustees of the
Southdown Methodist Church
Halls for the past several months
regarding entering into this new
lease with both parties committed
to keeping the halls as a community
Covering over 7,300sqft, the halls sit above the Southdown Co-op supermarket and by securing a long lease, the Harpenden Trust has ensured this valuable resource remains available to the Harpenden community for many more years to come. The combination of the Southdown Methodist Church Halls (at No.130 Southdown Road) and the existing Harpenden Trust Centre (at No.90 Southdown Road) means that the Harpenden Trust now has a total of five large halls for hire, ranging in size from 300sqft up to 1,560sqft, available to local residents and community groups.
The halls will also continue to host and support the increasingly wide range of Harpenden Trust activities. Other office space in the new building will also be made available to local charities and organisations seeking to benefit our community by having a greater local Harpenden presence. Existing hirers at the No.130 Southdown Road halls include various local Girl Guiding groups, Zumba, Ballet, Marquetry, Pilates, Line Dancing, Badminton and Jado Kuin Do groups – and the Trust looks forward to welcoming many more local community focused groups over future months and years.
Richard Nichols, Chairman of The Harpenden Trust commented: “We are really thrilled to have secured this site for the benefit of our local community for many years to come - enabling local groups and community organisations access to a fabulous building with excellent facilities, whilst significantly extending the Trust’s existing Southdown footprint. Importantly this also provides the Trust with the additional space required to support both our existing and our planned future community initiatives.”
The enlarged undertaking also prompts a small reorganisation within the Harpenden Trust with the formation of a new “Properties Team” to manage the significantly increased capacity. Alison Neville and her Halls Booking team will take overall responsibility for all bookings across both properties. Sue Grant takes on the role of Facilities Team Leader overseeing the day to day operations with a newly formed small facilities team, whilst Colin Ratcliffe takes on the role of Property Development Officer overseeing a programme of works to improve the existing condition of the building. Julia Pryor will be managing a new team of volunteers to ensure all visitors to the new site receive a very warm welcome. The Properties Team will initially report into Mike Gosling at a Harpenden Trust Board level, as Dennis Andrews has decided this is the appropriate moment to step back as the Trust’s Head of Property.
Richard Nichols added “We would like to thank Dennis for his huge contribution to the Harpenden Trust in both Property and Company Secretary roles over many years – and we’re delighted that Dennis has agreed to remain a Trust volunteer in a consultancy capacity to support the new enlarged Properties Team.”
Alison Neville, Head of the expanded Bookings Team at The Harpenden Trust commented: “Given the high demand for hall space at The Trust Centre I am delighted that by extending our hall portfolio we will now be able to accommodate more groups, clubs and organisations bringing a wider variety of activities to the local community. I have been working with the existing hirers at No.130 to ensure that their groups, clubs and classes had continuous hire following the acquisition. We look forward to welcoming new hirers to the halls from mid-February - so, if you are looking for a venue for your activity, whether it be on a regular basis or an ad-hoc event, please do get in contact.”
Jan 26. 2023.Cessation of work on the Harpenden Public Halls development was confirmed by St Albans District Council on Monday Jan 23.
A meeting of the Regeneration & Business Committee chaired by Cllr Robert Donald confirmed that an accurate valuation of the site would be sought so consideration of a sale of the site to a private developer, in line with planning policy could be discussed and actioned at a future meeting.
The public expectation of a ‘grand design’ concept with much needed homes had been raised back in 2018 with public consultations and meetings, focus group charettes, followed by defined proposals and architectural design concepts. At that time the financial return on the investment was deemed positive.
However the eagerly awaited planning application in early December raised considerable concerns by local residents, adjoining property owners, local groups and even Harpenden Town Council putting the viability in doubt and raising financial risks that the original income forecasts would not now be met.
Council development officers would address the concerns going forward and keep the public informed of progress and the ultimate decision of the sale or otherwise.
Jan 31. Harpenden’s new Skateboard arena Background. Harpenden Town Council and local charity Playground Action Rothamsted Committee (PARC) are continuing their successful relationship with the redevelopment of Rothamsted Skatepark. The partnership has announced the successful bid by Betongpark Ltd, one of Europe’s industry leaders, following public consultation and a recent tender process for design and build of the Skateboard Park. The new Skateboard Park will have a similar footprint to the existing site but, with modernisation and increased accessibility, it promises to be an outstanding free local facility available to all regardless of age or ability.
We are currently hoping to deliver the new skatepark by Summer 2024. The Skatepark will cost in the region of £250,000; the Town Council has committed £100K to the project and the remainder will be raised by PARC through fundraising initiatives. but this is dependent on reaching our funding target.
In conjunction with the online survey, the Town Council is hosting an engagement session, in person, at the current Skatepark on Monday 13th February 3-6pm. By organising a consultation event within the Park, it is hoped that the survey is accessible to a diverse range of Park users where people can view the plans, ask questions and give their comments. The survey will close at midnight on 19th February.
The new Skateboard Park will have a similar footprint to the existing site but, with modernisation and increased accessibility, it promises to be an outstanding free local facility available to all regardless of age or ability.
The vision for the Skatepark’s future is based on the following key principles:
1.It should be broadly of the same footprint as the current skatepark.
2.All features on the skatepark should be either at or above ground level.
3.It will be an inviting and inclusive space that includes good wheelchair access
4.There will be features for all ages from young children up to adults.
5.It will accommodate beginners who need to build confidence and provide a challenge for the more experienced.
6.It will have features that are suitable for different users including skateboards, BMX bikes, WCMX (adapted wheelchairs), scooters and roller skates (traditional and in-line).
7.It will be made from concrete which requires very little maintenance over its lifetime.
The Skatepark will cost in the region of £250,000; the Town Council has committed £100K to the project and the remainder will be raised by PARC through fundraising initiatives. Completion of the project is expected in 2024, but this is dependent on reaching funding targets.
Information about PARC:
PARC is a registered charity (No. 1179147) established in July 2018 by a group of Harpenden parents and grandparents. PARC was initially formed to raise £250 000 to redesign and replace the Town’s flagship playpark, situated in Rothamsted Park. PARC raised £110 000 through their fundraising efforts and with the support of Harpenden Town Council, who pledged a further £150 000, the play area was completed and opened to the public in July 2021.
March 8. How can you reconcile Luton’s objective to be a healthy, fair and sustainable town, which is carbon-neutral by 2040 with their proposed Airport expansion to 32 million passenger per year by the same time?
A key element is their current Local Cycling and
Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Consultation
which wants half of all of journeys in the town to
be cycled or walked by 2033.
I asked Luton Council chief Executive Robin Porter for an explanation:
‘Active Travel forms a key component in encouraging people to travel as sustainably as possible whenever they can.
Luton’s campaign is encouraging residents to make local journeys by walking or cycling as much as possible.
It can further be noted that active and sustainable travel to and from our airport are being positively planned for within the Surface Access strategy and Travel Plan that are among the documents that have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.
This is alongside the Green Controlled Growth framework which for the first time within the UK aviation sector seeks to achieve guarantees for neighbours about all the major environment impacts associated with any airport expansion, by setting independently-monitored limits for carbon, air quality, noise, and surface access. Ultimately, if any of these limits were to be breached, growth of the airport would have to be stopped.
Luton Rising is proposing that this process is written into law, and looks forward to these ground-breaking proposals being examined in due course.’
A Development Consent Order (DCO) application was made on Feb 27 for the expansion of London Luton Airport from its current permitted cap of 18 million passengers per annum (mppa) up to 32 mppa, including: new terminal capacity; earthworks to create an extension to the current airfield platform; new airside and landside facilities; enhancement of the surface access network; extension of the Luton DART; landscaping and ecological improvements; and further infrastructure enhancements and initiatives to support the target of achieving zero-emission ground operations by 2040.
The submission documents include a full Needs Case, Environmental Statement, Traffic Assessment and Green Controlled Growth strategy that seeks to set binding and independently-monitored environmental limits for carbon, air quality, noise, and surface access – how people get to and from the airport.
Also included are improved noise insulation plans, and a consultation report which outlines how all comments received have been considered and responded to.
Submission of the application marks the start of the ‘acceptance’ stage of the DCO process. There will follow a 28-day period for the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport, to decide whether or not the application meets the standards required to be accepted for examination, or if further documentation is needed. THIS SHOULD BE ACTIONED BY MARCH 28TH.
During the 28 day period affected local authorities concerned over any technicalities relating to the quality of the consultations can make their concerns known. No public comments are allowed.
If the DCO application is accepted, all relevant documents will be published on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
An Examining Authority including up to five Planning Inspectors will be appointed, and members of the public will be able to register to make a representation. Full public examination is not expected to begin before at least the late summer.
March 22. An eco-friendly hamlet with
its own mini green belt proposed for
south Harpenden.
Outline Planning application with SADC for
land south of Cross Lane, Harpenden
by Lansdown.
The initial pre - application process for a 30 self build scheme was reviewed with residents and interested parties from Harpenden in September 2022.
Following this process some key changes have been made:
*Now 31 self-build and affordable homes comprising 19 custom and self-build plots (60%) and 12 conventional shared ownership units (40%).
*Density increased by reducing the net developable area and providing a larger number of smaller plots alongside a small number of large plots.
*Layout revised to provide a more informal and organic layout, moving away from conventional suburban housing estate and street design, responding to the site’s context as the threshold between town and countryside.
*Increased biodiversity greening along the field boundaries and provision of a traditional orchard and meadow as public open green spaces in the north-eastern zone of the site.
*Affordable self-build home ownership model replaced with 12 conventional shared ownership homes to secure affordable housing on the site in perpetuity.
*The proposals will have minimal impact on the openness and strategic purposes of the wider Green Belt. The detailed and well-considered Design Code will ensure a high quality, contextual scheme which responds appropriately to its setting and delivers a well-designed, cohesive development.
*Through Building with Nature and Passivhaus accreditation, the proposals will achieve an exemplar scheme which is an asset to Harpenden whilst at the same time providing serviced self-build plots and affordable homes to help meet local need.
The two images show the plot locations with the green infrastructure and the location within existing roads.
*Additionally several letters of support from local residents/potential buyers of individual homes on the development have been received and submitted with the application.
You can read all the documents on the SADC Planning web site using application reference number 5/2023/0317.
July 4. Local Plan confirms Government policy of 15,000 homes say Chris White, SADC Council Chair of Planning Policy. Don’t believe the unfounded myths.
St Albans City and District Council is moving forward with its Local Plan, preparing for its Regulation 18 public consultation later this summer.
The focus of the Planning Policy and Climate Committee meeting on Monday 26 June was the green belt review, site selection matters, and providing Councillors with the proper context to make confident decisions on the Local Plan.
Councillor Chris White, Chair of the Planning Policy and Climate Committee said: “I would like to thank members of the Committee for their careful consideration of the complex matters involved, and their questions, comments, and suggestions. At the next meeting on Monday 10 July officers will provide additional information having considered their feedback so far.
“At this meeting Councillors will consider proposals to go forward for the Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation. Subject to the Committee’s approval, the public consultation on the draft Local Plan will run from 12 July to 25 September.
“This will be a ten-and-a-half-week period of consultation, considerably longer than the minimum period of 6 weeks. This is to allow both for the school summer holiday period and a programme of exhibitions and surgeries to be held across the District in early September after the school holiday period ends.
“People who live and work in the District, community groups and businesses are all encouraged to give their views. We want to hear from as many people and organisations as possible. The feedback received will help shape the final proposals.
“I have noticed that there are a few myths starting to circulate about the Local Plan, and I would like to repeat what I said at Monday’s meeting to ensure people understand the facts.
“The first myth is that some people are saying we can simply ignore Government policy requiring us to allow for 15,000 houses to be built in the District over the next 17 years. That is not the case.
“I challenged this requirement in a letter to the Secretary of State, arguing the figure should be much lower. However, the Ministerial response made it clear that the Government’s policy stands. Specifically, the Government sets out the requirement to calculate local housing need using 2014 national household growth projections. We will, of course, keep the situation under review.
“The second myth circulating is the suggestion that sustainability and efforts to tackle climate change are not at the heart of our Local Plan. This is simply wrong.
“The draft Local Plan states its first objective is to address climate change and this is a thread running throughout the Plan because of its importance.”
Feb 13. Planning Inspectorate announce completion of their examination of Luton Airport plan to increase passengers to 32 Million pa.
The Inspectorate will submit findings, conclusions and recommendations to the Secretary of State by May 10th. THEN await GOVERNMENT decision.
Ambulance Community First Responders (CFR) demonstrate how they save lives to Harpenden residents on Jan 31.
As part of the Harpenden Society Public Meeting at Katherine Warington School their team had a working display at the main reception so all visitors could see what a fantastic service they offer ahead of the Ambulance arrival.
Each CFR needs specialist equipment to administer help to patients. It costs £3,500 a kit.
Currently Harpenden CFR’s borrow kits from St Albans.
To ensure the continued activity and expansion of the service in Harpenden they need to raise £10,000 to purchase 2 kits and have extra funds to scale up.
A number of generous guests made donations on the night. Much appreciated.
The attendance at this Society event marks the start of an ongoing campaign to raise more funds to ensure their emergency services can continue.
The prospective Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate - Victoria Collins for Harpenden is seen offering her support. (second left in main photo)
March 2024. Government takes control of SADC planning.---
Planning applications for non major developments can now be made direct to the Planning Inspectorate OR still follow the SADC slow lane.
READ the letter from the Minister here.
March 16. 2024 FREE PARKING in Harpenden could end along with many other proposals from St Albans Council just announced.
Read the details below and be ready to submit your thoughts when requested by SADC
Statement on On-Street Car Parking Review
March 6.
Chris Traill, Strategic Director for Community and Place Delivery for St Albans City and District Council, said: “We are carrying out a review of on-street car parking across the District.
“One issue we are looking at is whether it is sustainable to continue to allow free parking in bays given the high level of demand and the resulting pressure on spaces.
“Government advice is that on-street parking charges
should be set higher than car parks to encourage the use of car parks to reduce congestion and emissions as well as improve safety.
“Charges may deter motorists from taking up spaces for long periods, help cover the costs of our parking services and encourage active travel such as walking and cycling.
“We are also looking at the provision of disabled parking in our main high streets and whether there needs to be improvement, focusing not simply on the number of bays but on having the right number in the right location.
“When we have drawn up our proposals, there will be a public consultation when residents, businesses, community groups and other organisations can give their views.
“All feedback will be considered before the proposals are finalised and any decisions are made.
“Finally, we will also be looking at requests for residents in various parts of the District for Controlled Parking Zones to be introduced.
“These follow concerns that it has become difficult for residents and their visitors to park in some streets and that restrictions are needed.
“There is a process that is carried out before a Controlled Parking Zone is introduced including intensive public consultations.
“These are community-led initiatives and will only happen if there is a consensus about the need for change among residents and other stakeholders.” ENDS
May 17. UPDATE
Free parking to end in Harpenden despite public consultation
The new leader of SADC, Paul de Kort., has set in motion a plan to raise funds to help reduce the City’s financial deficit.
Free car parks in Redbourn, Park Street and London Colney, and one and two hour bays across Harpenden town centre will all incur charges later this year.
Additionally, senior citizens parking permits will now be means-tested, so only pensioners on benefits are likely to qualify.
This is all revenue which has already been included in SADC’s budget for 2024-2025, alongside increases to the existing parking tariff structure which have already been introduced.
A consultation on the plans is due to commence next month, but council leader Cllr Paul de Kort said it was not a matter of whether they go ahead or not, it was a necessary evil to balance the budget.
AND There will be no U-turn over controversial plans to eliminate free parking bays across the district, the new leader of SADC has confirmed.
Harpenden retailers and opposition politicians alike have said scrapping free parking in the town will have a detrimental effect on trade, but Paul doesn’t agree.
“OK, cards on the table, I hear this is going to destroy the High Street, but I don’t buy it. I mean, put that in the context of I don’t want to do it because of what I’ve previously said, but if people say we’re going to ruin the High Street, I don’t see it
NB. Whilst Paul de Kort has made these pronouncements he is still to be confirmed officially as the new Council Leader , which is scheduled to take place on May 22 at the full Council meeting.
Expect a full press release following this event.
Transport Update
Statement made on May 24. 2024 by Mr Mark Harper
Secretary of State for Transport. Conservative
This statement confirms that it is necessary to extend the deadlines for decisions on the following application made under the Planning Act 2008:
London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order for the proposed development by Luton London Airport Limited for the construction of a new passenger terminal and aircraft stands at London Luton Airport, to allow passenger capacity to increase from 18 million per annum to 32 million. The Secretary of State received the Examining Authority’s report on 10 May 2024 and the current deadline for a decision is 10 August 2024.
Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act 2008, the Secretary of State must make his decision within 3 months of receipt of the Examining Authority’s report unless exercising the power under section 107(3) to extend the deadline and make a Statement to the Houses of Parliament announcing the new deadline. The new deadline for all the above applications is 4 October 2024. This is due to the General Election and to allow appropriate time for any new Secretary of State to consider the applications. The Department will however endeavour to issue decisions ahead of the deadlines above wherever possible.
The decision to set new deadlines is without prejudice to the decisions on whether to give development consent for the above application.
JULY 5. Harpenden Retailers SAY NO to High Street Parking Charges.
Total Looks; Talk Easy; Loveweds; Ripples; OUI;
Serena Hart; Skye Optometrists ; Thompsons Close Cafe;
Mint Velvet; Threads;
Capelli Hair Salon;
Molasses House; Hamptons; Connells, Fonehouse;
B J Copestick ; Stevensons; Lister Interiors; Clarendon Fine Art; Perry Florist;
Travel Four Seasons: Majestic Wine; Brynmor Interiors;
Dickens; Jolie.
July 17, The Petition to Object to the planned introduction of on-street parking charges in Harpenden WORKED ( Over 5,500 signatures)
July 17. Confused by the potential Car Parking charges in Harpenden?
Review of high-demand car parking at bays with limited waiting times
Residents, businesses and community groups in St Albans and Harpenden can take part in a review of the operation of on-street car parking bays with limited waiting times.
St Albans City and District Council has launched a consultation into proposals to change the system at bays in high-demand areas.
Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the main proposal would see motorists given two free parking sessions of up to 20 minutes each per day.
This will allow people to make quick shopping trips or to drop off and pick up children to and from school.
The proposals would see motorists wishing to park beyond those free periods needing to pay £2.50 an hour for a maximum two-hour stay or choose to use one of the many off-street car parks available.
There will be no charge for parking outside the hours during which restrictions apply - 8.30am to 6.30pm in St Albans and 8am to 6pm in Harpenden - so the night economy is not affected.
One major aim of the proposals is to ease the pressure on car parking bays in St Albans City Centre and Harpenden Town Centre which are in high demand. Charges at bays in other parts of the District are not proposed, with the various limited waiting times remaining the same
The proposals are also designed to make the car parking service fairer and more equitable by helping it to become self-sufficient financially.
Over the past four years, the service has made accumulated losses of around £1.5 million, an unsustainable deficit.
Extra revenue provided by the proposals is forecast to bring the overall parking budget close to a break-even figure.
This could mean the service will no longer need to be subsidised by money from other Council budgets that could have been spent on other priorities.
Money from car parking services is kept in a ring-fenced budget, so any surplus could only be invested in parking, highways and environmental improvements
Another objective of the plans is to encourage active travel, such as cycling and walking, for trips to the City and Town centres rather than car use.
Councillor Helen Campbell, Chair of the Council’s Public Realm Committee and Lead for Parking, said: “We are aware that this review has already resulted in a lot of interest.
“Some of the speculation has been wrong – we are not, for example, proposing to do away with free parking, stopping people making a dash to the shops or other businesses.
“Parents and carers will still be able to park for free twice a day at the bays that are often used for the school run.
“I ask people to look at the proposals in detail and not rely on any rumours they may have heard. I believe the changes will benefit the community as a whole by promoting active travel and discouraging people from parking on the street longer than they need.
“They also take into account the interests, not just of residents who use the bays, but also of those who do not, such as non-motorists or those choosing active travel options.
“By making parking self-sufficient, we can ease the pressure on our hard-pressed budget and the other services we provide.”
Cllr Campbell added: “We want as many people as possible to take part in the consultation as this is their chance to air their views and help shape the outcome.
“We will be analysing all the feedback before making any final decisions.”
The consultation began on Thursday 18 July and runs until midnight on Wednesday 14 August.
Residents can view the consultation proposals, including details of the bays involved, and give their views online here.
Consultation documents are also available to view at the Civic Centre in St Albans or Harpenden Town Hall.
People can also submit a response by email to or in writing to: The Parking Development Team, St Albans City and District Council, Civic Centre, St Albans, AL1 3JE.
July 26th, More revelations from the HTC meeting,
By local resident John Talbot
150 plus people were packed into the hot Council chamber
13 people had elected to speak, many of them shopkeepers
The mood of the audience was extremely hostile to the council
I was number 13 as I had only registered at the 11th hour.
Nobody spoke in favour of the measures.
The meeting started chaotically with no one hearing the speakers, eventually a PA system was brought in and for a few speakers was howling, but finally sorted
When I eventually spoke many of the points had already been raised.
A few of the councillors spoke afterwards, one (A lady ex lawyer) said that SADC believed that they were legally entitled to put Harpenden parking money to other uses. Effectively the parking fees was a done deal and HTC could alter details but the day of free parking was over. The only way around this was to mount a legal challenge (Will any of our legal brains step forward?)
There was a motion put forward for:
HTC to work with SADC involving businesses
SADC to defer the introduction of the new system by 6 months until March 2025 so consultations could take place
Sept. MP.Victoria Collins's statement
for Harpendia
It is a real privilege to be elected as your new
Liberal Democrat MP for the wonderful
constituency of Harpenden and Berkhamsted.
Thank you for your support, which has been
truly humbling. That’s why I’ll strive to deliver
for every neighbourhood, and stand up for your
interests at Westminster – whether you voted for me or not. My role is to make sure your voice is heard, and campaign on the issues that matter most to our communities.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been getting to know Parliament, setting up my constituency team and office while kick-starting campaigns and working through casework to get up to full speed as quickly as possible.
The pressing issues facing our constituency include the crisis of sewage polluting our precious local chalk streams - a subject of my maiden speech in the House of Commons. On my first day as an MP, I wrote to Thames Water, demanding action on the Markyate overflow - which has seen more than 2,500 hours’ worth of sewage pumped into the River Ver this year alone. We’ve now seen Thames Water fined as Ofwat take their first steps to hold Thames Water accountable.
Another crisis is social care - which so many local people told me they are impacted by. In the Commons, I called on the health secretary to provide greater support for unpaid family carers - who bear the brunt of a failing system. I also raised the impact on West Hertfordshire hospitals, which have lost 843 ‘bed days’ in a single month in 2023 due to social care backlogs.
Meanwhile, we still face the threat of Luton Airport expansion and its impact on our community. That’s why St Albans MP Daisy Cooper and I have written to ministers urging them to block it - in line with the Climate Change Committee advice, and building on the work of inspirational resident-led campaign groups.
We’re also heavily scrutinising the impact of the updated National Planning Policy Framework and government housing targets on our local area, and we will be holding the government to account – pushing for a community-led approach to development.
I’m campaigning in Parliament to improve local public transport, and tackle the huge shortfall in funding for local councils - which has a huge impact on local services. Time and time again, hard-working local councils like ours have been forced to make difficult decisions or limit their ambitions by central government’s failure to invest in local authorities and put the future of our area in the hands of local people.
I’ve been in touch with local people about parking in Harpenden, sharing their views with local councillors and campaigning to change national legislation to support our local area. That includes carefully scrutinising government proposals on devolution - where we’ll push for the ability of local councils to deliver even more positive change for local people - and the proposed changes on reforming business rates for our high streets, to ensure our businesses and town centre get a fair deal
But perhaps the most rewarding part of my new role is helping you directly with individual problems, through casework. No matter what the issue, I will take up your concerns and, together with my team, I will leave no stone unturned on your behalf. I hope to meet many of you in person over the coming months at community events and local organisations. I’ve already attended the Harpenden Highland Gathering, Wheathampstead Village Day and Redbourn Festival, as well as meeting health organisations and Citizens Advice.
Altogether, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind and sometimes surreal. Whether it’s getting lost in the endless corridors of Parliament, learning the rules of the Commons (no clapping), or hiring my team and setting up my office. But beyond the pomp and ceremony, there’s a genuine feeling of renewal, and I know the important work has only just begun to deliver for local people.
Nov 21. Harpenden Public
Halls sale agreed
St Albans City and District Council has
agreed the sale of Harpenden Public
Halls to ChristChurch Harpenden (CCH)
for use as a permanent building for their
CCH is a diverse church with a regular
Sunday morning congregation of over
300 people including 120 children and young people.
It currently holds its services on Sundays at a number of venues, using its premises on Vaughan Road for other activities.
Councillor Paul de Kort, the Council’s Leader and Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee, said: “I am pleased that we have reached this agreement after an open market sale process and will obtain a substantial sum for the benefit of our residents.
“The Halls provided Harpenden with a lively entertainment venue for many decades, but it had become clear we needed to replace it with a much more modern facility.
“We are proud we did so with the opening of the magnificent Eric Morecambe Centre with its theatre, backstage equipment, function rooms, bars and other assets.
“Following the closure of the Halls, we considered several options for the future of the site, including redeveloping it ourselves.
“But due to changes in the wider economic climate, we decided to explore the sale of the freehold as that seemed the best way forward.
“The sum raised will help reduce the Council’s borrowing as was originally envisaged when we embarked on the project to create new leisure and cultural facilities for the town.
“I’m pleased that the sale will see the Public Halls continue to be used as a community building, although that was not one of the sale conditions. I am sure ChristChurch Harpenden will make good use of the building and wish them well with the task of refurbishing it.”
Gareth Loh, CCH Senior Minister, said: “We are very thankful for the opportunity this iconic building gives us to be a church at the heart of our community.
“Having recently marked our 60th anniversary, we have a vision to be those who truly love Christ, love his church, and love Harpenden.”
Lauren Cox, Chair of CCH Trustees, said: “I would like to thank St Albans City and District Council and their property agents, Strutt & Parker, for managing a professional bid process.
“On behalf of the Trustees, we are very grateful for the generosity of the CCH church family and friends who have self-funded the purchase of the building.”
The sale is conditional on planning permission for change of use and is scheduled to be completed early next year.
CCH hopes to complete the refurbishment of the building along with some repairs in 2026. They will be selling their Vaughan Road premise in due course.
Feb 6. Kia Brayley demonstrate confidence in Harpenden with the opening of their stunning new look showroom with a VIP Event.